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Writer's pictureRyan and Leah

We're Adopting!

Updated: Mar 1, 2019

(I think the first half of this post accidentally got deleted, I'm going to look through my laptop and see if I have it backed up as a word doc. In the meantime, you'r missing out on the explanation of why we decided to adopt, but hopefully we'll get it back up soon)

The purpose of this blog is primarily two fold; 1) Keep our friends and family who are interested about the process and progress informed. 2) Hopefully serve as a therapeutic outlet for us.

We have only just begun and it's already clear this this is going to be a long and at time stressful process. We're both fairly private people, but I've felt a bit compelled to open up a bit. Hopefully, this is something that we both can keep up with. The plan is to update as we hit milestones, learn something interesting, or otherwise feel compelled. Above everything we're both excited to add to our family and give a kid from half way around the world a chance to maximize their potential in life. Something most of us take for granted. We'll see where this takes us. Here goes...

We are registered at the adoption crowdfunding website, Anyone can make tax deductible donations through the site that will go directly to us. We don't want anyone to feel obligated because this is something we chose to do. That being said, if you feel compelled to contribute we really appreciate the help. You can find our personal fundraising site here:

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